St. George and the Dragon
There are many stories surrounding St. George and the dragon. What seems to run through all of them is that St. George was in fact, not English and the dragon was in fact, the devil.
Most of the legends tell of a fierce dragon living in a cave. The local people were terrorised by this beast and by way of keeping it from destroying their village and taking everything they had, they offered up all the children as a sacrifice, one by one until there were no children left.
After this, all the young unmarried women in the village were offered until only the king’s daughter was left.
On the day she was to die at the hands of the dragon, St. George arrived at the scene by the entrance to the cave and sent the princess and her servants away. When the dragon appeared, St. George threw his spear at it but it was no match for the armour-plated dragon and it shattered. He was at the mercy of the beast, but drew his sword and when the dragon lifted its wing to strike, St. George sank his sword into its unprotected side and killed it.
St. George was adopted as England’s patron saint and his day is celebrated every year on 23rd April.
Please enjoy the little gift I have designed for you today. My dragon is no fire-breathing demon but has repented his sins and is floating up to his heaven.
The surrounding text is a quote from the play Henry V by William Shakespeare.
Jan Allston April 2015
How could you be cross with that dragon?! Love it, Jan. Thanks. Hilary
Thanks and well done, Jan. An unusual take on the dragon!
We joined neighbours this afternoon to raise a glass to St George and Shakespeare (reputedly his birthday) and generally have a good chat. The dandelions were just right for picking. If you make them into wine this is supposedly the day to do it. Not that we were drinking that home brew!