The grandchildren think Nanna’s new sewing machine (780) is ‘awesome’ and couldn’t wait to be able to try it out. I had to think of something simple and easy for Euan so chose a draw-string bag. We found some super fabric with tractors on it. I needn’t have worried as he coped really well. Isn’t he a study in concentration – and then the proudest owner of his bag?!
For Caitlyn I thought she would be able to handle something a bit more challenging – which she did with flying colours. She coped with everything I set her to do including adding a pocket. The fabric has horses on and the pocket is a framed bunch of rosettes – of course! Another happy bunny.
These simple bags are prefect for budding sewers. Straight stitch and stitch #4 to secure the edges of the seam allowances. They loved the automated foot-raise button and the scissors button! Caitlyn even got to do some reverse stitching with the reverse button. The whole computerised aspect of the machine didn’t faze them at all.
Fantastic way to get children sewing and gain a sense of achievement. Well done on getting the next generation started on the joys of creation through stitch. They’ll both want their own machines now!