As the other participants I have also waited eagerly for my parcel, and I love the deep purple color that I received. The quality of the felt is super. The purple was not so easy to work with, as my intuitive choice of color to add to that would be either red or yellow, and none of those supported the theme I chose to my satisfaction. The threads in my parcel were bright pink, purple, lilac and a variegated blue.
I cannot believe that such a small piece of work, with no rules (or very few) could be so difficult to translate into something that I could feel happy with. Looking at my little pictogram of a male, I thought to myself I would rather have chosen the female icon to work with. The longer I thought about it and researched the idea it became all the more difficult.
Eventually, every time I looked at my male pictogram, I wanted to cover him up. Wondering how, and with what, I realized….. with a leaf! Then I knew, I had to transform him into Adam.
Romans 5:19 was exactly what I had in mind. I therefore turned my felt into the landscape format, and to fit the figure in I had to lower his head onto the chest. The body language that this figure portrays is distinctively different to that of the original one.
Hiding behind the leaves, I did not want the Adam figure to be too overpowering in the design, as there had to be the image of Golgotha with the cross of Christ as well. Therefore the Adam figure was outlined in the lilac thread rather than cut from a solid piece of fabric.
Some hand dyed gauze was used for Golgotha as well as the sky at the back of the crosses. The foreground had to be filled in, and after two unsuccessful tries with the verse lettering, I was eventually pleased with my third try. This was printed onto fabric, and then cut and layered on a piece of silk, and sewn over the previous two mishaps! I was grateful to work with such good quality felt, as a lesser quality would not have been able to withstand all the changes made to it!!
With this little piece I wish to convey the message that for the Christian, although born a sinner, there is Hope through His redemptive work on the Cross! Hallelujah!
Very humbling Trienie. A strong message and an excellent piece of work.
Thank you Jan
Love yr process.
Very powerful, Trienie! Simple but it packs a punch with its message. I love the way we ‘fess up to our mistakes. Yes, the felt is a superb quality and a pleasure to work with. Hilary
Thanks Hillary! I wish we could buy that quality felt here in South Africa!
Day by day I am surprised by your works, ladies! Each is unique and so very special, I am overwhelmed…
Trinie, yours is so pure and sending lots of peace, thank you so much….
I also love to see the process each one used! Thanks Jutta
Trienie, the simplicity and strong message bowled me over. Wonderful message. Geluk xx
Thanks Marilyn. I see now that I forgot to add the title to the left of his leg, and I edited a few things that was not included in the final. So be it….