Creative articles about sewing

Scrappy Quilted Phone Case – Fast and Easy Quilting Project

Ready to make one of the cutest projects of the year?!

The quilted phone case is your girl, she’s scrappy, fun and fast. 

I was scrolling through my social media a few months ago and saw a video on some DIY projects with custom phone cases.

I was intrigued and had the thought.. I wonder if I could do the same but with a quilted panel?

So I kept pondering and finally had time this last week to try it out.

I had no idea if it would fit, if it would work with the phone, etc. 

But I’m so happy to say, that it turned out so cool! And a lot of quilters on instagram thought the same (500k+!) 

I’m excited to share how I made this cute quilted case, so you can make one of your own. 

Note: Some phones are prone to overheating, especially in warm weather or when charging.

I would avoid using a quilted phone case in those situations. My Iphone has been totally fine and hasn’t felt any warmer, but every phone and case is different. 

Also don’t forget to join the 7 Quilt Blocks to Make Before You Die workshop, you can sign up here (it’s free!) 

Needed Supplies

Sew Your Mini Quilt

Ready to make the cutest little quilt? I used two different patterns: narrow strips and checkerboard.

The checkerboard was a little thicker (more seams) so if your phone is very tight in its case, keep that in mind. 

Measure your phone size, cut your strips to make sure there’s enough to cover all of the edges of your phone.

The checkerboard pattern will need more fabric, as it loses more to seam allowances.

For the Checkerboard: Cut 1 1/2″ strips in 4-8 colors. 

For the strips: Cut 1″ strips in 3-4 colors. 

Start by laying out your desired pattern and pinning (or being lazy like me and align the fabric as you go. 

For both: Sew together your fabric, right sides together.

Iron your seams flat, VERY FLAT. Like the flattest you’ve ever flatted. I use open seams to make sure they are nice and neat. 

For the Checkerboard: After ironing flat, cut 1 1/2″ strips from your  unit, perpendicular to the seams. Move the strips around so it creates a new pattern. Sew right sides together and iron flat again. 

Iron On the Interfacing

For both: On the back of your mini quilt, iron the interfacing on. I used a pressing cloth and steam to secure it.

Make sure your phone will fit. 

Optional: Quilt lines onto your mini quilt, I upped my stitch length to 3.5-4mm and had fun adding some lines without measuring (such a rare opportunity as a quilter to do this!).

Trace your phone case onto the interfacing, including the camera opening.

Cut the Phone Outline

Cut out the phone outline, very carefully, I use a long ruler for the sides and small scissors for the corners.

Tuck the mini quilt into your phone case and press up the edges, mark where it goes up the edges and trim again so that it fits very flat on the bottom of the case and doesn’t block the camera.

Tip: trim the bottom where it charges so no fabric is near the charging port. 

Tuck the mini quilt into your case, then your phone, you might need to press it flat again to make sure it all fits.

Your quilt phone case is done! I can’t wait to see yours, tag @quiltdstudios on Instagram so I can see!

Use the #quiltedphonecase to see everyone’s beautiful cases.


Difficulty level: Beginner
Time to Complete: Evening
Used Products:
Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34
Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34

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  • Sarah Kiefer EditEditing comments on the BERNINA blog is only possible after logging in with a blog user account. Sign up now or create a user account if you do not have one yet.

    Please be fully transparent in this pattern that there is no way for the case to fully fit on the phone with the quilt added. I followed this pattern exactly using the same materials and the case does not fit well enough on my phone to be used. I’m disappointed Bernina would publish a pattern that does not work. You wouldn’t publish a full quilt pattern that wasn’t real so why would Bernina lead us to believe this project can be successful ?

    • Jessica Rose EditEditing comments on the BERNINA blog is only possible after logging in with a blog user account. Sign up now or create a user account if you do not have one yet.

      Hi Sarah, I’m sorry it didn’t fit for you, I currently have the quilt backing in my transparent case on my iPhone right now and it fits well, there are others that have also successfully made the pattern. It definitely will depend on a few things: the size of your case and phone, the thickness of your seams, and the interfacing that you use.

  • Joyce Finch EditEditing comments on the BERNINA blog is only possible after logging in with a blog user account. Sign up now or create a user account if you do not have one yet.

    What a clever idea!  I bought a clear case for my phone, then fussy-cut my favorite fabric to size for a personalized case. Now I need to make a “pieced/quilted” version. Thanks for the inspiration. 

  • Patricia Hale EditEditing comments on the BERNINA blog is only possible after logging in with a blog user account. Sign up now or create a user account if you do not have one yet.

    You could cut down on seam bulk by using a serger to sew the seams with a flatlock stitch and using variegated thread in the loopers would add another decorative element.

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