We rarely take the time for a little break. This relaxation mask is filled with cherry pits and placed in the fridge for a short while. Afterward, you can lay it on your face, similar to a damp cloth. I decided I needed to sew a relaxation mask for myself. Shortly after, I sketched an XXL mask pattern on paper and sewed a few test pieces. I hope you enjoy this project with my free pattern!
I sewed the relaxation mask using the BERNINA 480. This machine features a thread cutter at the press of a button, a larger bobbin, and is incredibly user-friendly.
On my Instagram profile and TikTok page, I focus on sewing, crafting, upcycling, and embroidery. You’ll find reels with tips and tricks for various projects.
Materials Needed for This Project:
- Scraps of cotton fabric or linen
- 3-4 handfuls of cherry pits
- Zigzag scissors
Free Pattern for the Relaxation Mask
The XXL relaxation mask measures approximately 22 x 16 cm when finished.
The free pattern for the relaxation mask is available for download here:
When printing, ensure your printer settings are set to actual size (100%). Cut out the pattern piece. No seam allowance is needed for this pattern.
Sewing the Relaxation Mask – Instructions
Cut two pieces of fabric in the shape of the mask. No seam allowance is required for this pattern.
Place the fabric pieces right sides together.
Trace the pattern onto the wrong side of the fabric using a chalk marker.
Pin the fabric pieces together to prevent them from shifting during sewing.
Leave an opening for turning the mask right side out between the “cat ears.”
Sew directly along the marked line with a straight stitch, starting and ending at the opening.
For some curves, it may be helpful to lift the presser foot. Using a knee lifter can be particularly handy here, allowing you to keep both hands on the fabric.
When lifting the presser foot, leave the needle in the fabric and turn the mask into the desired position. Then lower the foot again and continue sewing.
In the next step, trim the fabric with zigzag scissors up to 0.5 cm from the seam.
Turn your relaxation mask right side out through the opening.
Shape the corners and curves well, then press the relaxation mask with an iron.
A funnel works great for filling the mask. You can roll a piece of paper into a funnel and use it to fill the mask with cherry pits through the opening.
Pin the opening securely.
Finally, close the opening by hand or with the sewing machine, and your relaxation mask is complete.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial for the relaxation mask. Now, have fun recreating it. And if I’m honest, just sewing the mask can already be a relaxing experience. Don’t you agree?
Too cute. I love using cherry pits. Nice weight and washable .Can also heat mask in microwave..Be sure to use all cotton thread and fabric, if you plan to heat.