Creative articles about quilting

Sew a Quilted Heart Card – A Cozy Valentine’s Day DIY

I can’t believe that the Holiday season is past us and we’ve already moved onto Valentines day, I’m certainly still recovering! 

My favorite projects are ones that use up the little bits of fabric that I have leftover from quilts and other bigger projects, and this cute quilted heart card fits that perfectly.

I wanted something super unique and different, not just fabric sewn onto the card (which is also cute but not the look I’m going for). 

It took a few adjustments and several card mishaps, but I finally ended with one that I love and I know that you will too. 

To get started, let’s go over what you’ll need to gather to make these quilted heart Valentines cards.

Supplies Needed: 

  • Thick Cardstock (as thick as you can find it! I used Comic Book Boards)
  • Scraps of Valentines themed fabrics to make a heart 4” x 4” approximately
  • Backing fabric for heart, at least 5” x 5” 
  • Stuffing, or tiny scraps of fabric to fill the heart with
  • Zig Zag shears
  • Washi tape or other paper-safe tape (masking tape, etc.)

Getting Started With The Valentine Card

This project is supposed to be fun and loose, cut a 10.5” x 5.5” piece of cardboard. I tried this with thinner cardboard and it didn’t work, your cardstock has to be VERY firm.

Fold in half so the shorter ends touch. Really crease it so it sits well. 

Using a pencil, sketch out a heart, imperfections wanted!

Because this is a valentine from YOU, this heart should be a reflection of that. 

If you’re resisting the imperfections, you can always download a heart picture and trace that or find a heart nearby and trace that. It should be 3-4” wide. Mine is 3.5” at its widest. 

Cut out the heart portion, leaving a heart-shaped hole. Keep the cut-out heart.

Your card portion is now complete!

Sewing the Quilted Heart

Grab some scraps and cut them into 1.5-2.5” strips.Once you’ve gathered your strips together, sew them together and press the seams flat. 

Cut these at different angles, into pieces that are at least 1” wide.

Mix up all the pieces and sew them together, with whatever pattern you like best (remember we’re having fun here!). Iron flat.

Grab your cut-out heart and position it over your scrappy panel, make sure there’s at least .5-1” around all of the edges of the heart.

Loosely cut around the heart, leaving a good inch around the perimeter of it.

Cut another similar sized heart from your backing fabric.

Sewing the Quilted Heart Valentines Card

Place your scrappy heart face up, so it peeks through the heart hole. Place your backing heart on the wrong side, right side facing towards the interior of the card.

This fabric will show when you open the card, so you can pick a fun print if you like.

Tape in place using a paper safe tape. I used washi tape.

Open your card up, keep your hearts flat, sew around the heart from the front of the card.

I started at the bottom point and sewed about ⅛” around the heart.

Make sure you stop and leave about ¾” hole. Back stitch just once to secure.

Now we’re going to turn your card over and stuff your heart using a pencil or pen to get the stuffing in. You can stuff it as full or little as you’d like.

Once your heart is stuffed, return to your sewing machine and pick up stitching where you left off, squish down your heart and finish sewing around the heart.

Next trim your threads, open the card and trim off any fabric from the heart that looks uneven.

Customize Your Quilted Valentines Card

Your quilted heart card is complete! This cozy card is so fun to customize, want it sparkly? Add glitter! Add metallic pen! Add sequins, beads or ribbon!

You can write a kind valentines message like:

  • You’ve patched up my heart.
  • You’re sew special to me!
  • We just seam to go together.
  • I love you SEW much!
  • Our love is like my fabric stash—always growing and impossible to measure.

The options are endless, I can’t wait to see your cards! Share them on social media by going to @quiltdstudios on Instagram or Pinterest. Happy Valentines my quilty friends!

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