Creative articles about sewing

Sewing a Corduroy Handbag

Good morning, dear readers! Today, we’ll sew a handbag. For the main fabric, I’m using wide corduroy. Since it’s quite unstable, I’m ironing on Style-Vil Fix by Vlieseline to give the bag a nice structure. Additionally, I’ve backed some of the smaller pieces with H630 volume fleece or H250 interfacing. The corduroy bag will be sewn with a 1 cm seam allowance. Let’s get started!

Sewing a handbag

Materials Overview

You’ll need:

  • Side panels (corduroy, Style-Vil Fix) 56 x 37 cm
  • Bottom (corduroy, Style-Vil Fix, lining) 19 x 38 cm
  • Outer pocket (different corduroy, H630) 21 x 48 cm
  • Inner upper pieces (corduroy) 2x 8 x 56 cm
  • Inner lower pieces (lining) 2x 30 x 56 cm
  • Zipper pieces (corduroy, H250) 4x 10 x 38 cm
  • Inner pocket (lining, H250) 40 x 30 cm
  • Zipper end piece (lining, H250) 5 x 5 cm
  • Continuous zipper approx. 45 cm
  • Handles (4 cm wide strap) 2 x 140 cm
  • 1 snap fastener
  • Labels/tags as desired

Sewing a handbag

Cut all materials to the above dimensions and iron the interfacings onto the wrong side of the respective fabric pieces according to the manufacturer’s instructions—Style-Vil Fix for the corduroy pieces, H250 and H630 as indicated above.

Sewing the Outer Corduroy Panels

Take the outer pocket and fold it in half, wrong sides together. Attach one half of the snap fastener approximately 2 cm from the fold at the top. You can sew on a tag if desired.

Next, position the outer pocket centered and flush with the bottom edge of one outer panel of the handbag. Attach the corresponding half of the snap fastener.

Sewing a handbag

Now, take a strap and place it as shown, overlapping the open edges of the outer pocket. You can add a tag between the layers if desired.

Sew the strap in place along both side edges, but stop 5 cm from the top edge of the bag, and reverse stitch to secure.

Sewing a handbag

Repeat these steps with the strap on the other outer panel of the bag.

Place both outer panels right sides together and sew the side seams closed.

Sewing a handbag

Now it’s time for the bottom. Mark the center of one of its long edges, which should align with the center of one outer side of the bag, right sides together.

Pin the remaining edge of the bottom in place starting from there. When sewing, leave a 1 cm seam allowance at both the beginning and end. Don’t forget to secure the seam well.

Sewing a handbag

Cut the corners diagonally, just before the seam (marked in black here). Now repeat this with the other long edge of the bottom.

Next, fold the overhanging edges of the bag around the short sides of the bottom and sew these seams in place. Be sure to sew from seam to seam, leaving a 1 cm allowance again.

Sewing a handbag

This completes the outer part of your handbag.

Sewing the Inner Pocket from Lining and Corduroy

Take the small inner pocket, fold it in half right sides together, and sew the side seams. Trim the seam allowance and turn the pocket inside out.
Sewing a handbag

Position the inner pocket aligned and centered on one of the lower side panels.

Topstitch it along the side edges.

Sewing a handbag

Before we can continue sewing the inner pocket, it’s time for the zipper.

Sewing the Zipper into the Handbag

Pull the zipper slider up and place the small end piece, right sides together, at the end of the zipper. Fold the overhanging edges inward.

Sew it in place, then fold the end piece outward.

Sewing a handbag

Fold the overhanging sides inward.

Then, fold the right end of the zipper twice toward the zipper, so that the raw edges are hidden inside.

Sewing a handbag

Topstitch this as well. Now you have a neat zipper end.

Next, lay one half of the zipper right sides together between two pieces of corduroy zipper tape as shown here. Now sew as follows: sew along the left side edge, then turn the piece 90 degrees 1 cm before the end, and sew the long edge, stopping 2 cm before the end of the corduroy fabric. Cut off the left corner just before the seam and turn this area right side out.

Sewing a handbag

Then, fold both open short edges of the corduroy inward by 1 cm.

Next, topstitch the entire zipper part close to the edge, which will also close the remaining open short edge.

Sewing a handbag

Repeat these steps on the other side. Now you have a neatly finished zipper.

Finish the Inner Pocket

Now, attach the zipper part right sides together between the bottom and top side panels of the corduroy, as shown here.
Sewing a handbag

Sew this seam and repeat these steps on the other side. Afterward, finish the inner pocket the same way as the outer pocket (side seams and bottom).

Make sure the transitions of the inner pocket align neatly.

Sewing a handbag

Now your inner pocket is finished, and you just need to turn it right side out and attach it to the outer bag.

Sewing the Handbag – Final Stretch

Place the inner pocket right side to right side inside the outer bag, making sure the side seams align perfectly. Sew along the top edge, leaving a turning opening.
Sewing a handbag

Turn the bag through the opening, fold the edges inward, and topstitch the entire top edge of the bag close to the edge. This will automatically close the turning opening.

Congratulations, your corduroy handbag is now finished!

Thanks to the zipper, everything inside is well protected.

And it really offers a lot of space.

Sewing a handbag

Sewing a Handbag – I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you found it too difficult or time-consuming, I recommend sewing the market bag linked above — it’s exactly the same size, but easier and quicker to finish.

Warmest wishes,

Free sewing instructions: Corduroy handbag

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