
Sewing Favorite
BERNINA 570 QE, Reverse Pattern Foot #1, Overlock Foot #2, Buttonhole Foot with Slide #3A, Zipper Foot #4, Blindstitch Foot #5, Edgestitch Foot #10, Open Embroidery Foot #20, Appliqué Foot #23, Free-Motion Embroidery Foot #24, Cording Foot with 5 Grooves #25, Reverse Pattern Foot with Clear Sole #34, Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide #50, Adjustable Ruler Foot #72, Patchwork Foot #97, BERNINA Stitch Regulator (BSR)
Married, 4 children, 4 step-children, 15 grandchildren, 5 great-grandchildren.
My Grandmother taught me to sew, knit and crochet when I was very young. I'm now considered to be elderly and am still enjoying these hobbies. I've made Queen size quilts for all my children and grandchildren - although there's still 1 more to make - the young ones receive theirs on their 21st birthday. Now Great-grandchildren are starting to arrive. So maybe they will have to make do with smaller quilts. I belong to the Southern Highlands Quilt Guild. This area is situated between Sydney and Canberra and is still relatively quiet with some rural industries still managing to survive.