My Between the Lines
Completed my Between the Lines quilt top! Sugaridoo has the best designs! It was so much fun to be a […]
Completed my Between the Lines quilt top! Sugaridoo has the best designs! It was so much fun to be a […]
I learned a lot and it was very challenging! It will be a nice lap quilt gift for someone!
All done
The first quilt along I’ve finished! I actually stayed current with the rows. I really enjoyed the skills, and watching […]
This is the first Quilt along where Ive actually participated thru the original timeline. It was so much fun. Great […]
Between the Lines Quilt top finished.
Made out of scraps, stash and an old bedsheet
My final quilt top!
This QAL has been so much fun! I learned so many new techniques and will continue to use them in […]
Wow! Learned a lot and still …a lot to learn!
Hooray for Flower Power!! I loved this row and more practice with teabag paper. I’ve learned so much with Irene’s […]
Two months to go and I’m loving how the rows are coming together. I’ve fallen in love with the freezer […]
I’m never too fond of sewing Drunkard Path squares but once together they become some of my favorites. 🙂
Sew many rows so much fun!
Halfway there ! Thank you Irene for your easy to follow directions. It was a fun challenge to try doing […]
My mom has trouble figuring out how to post on the bernina blog, so I am posting her first five […]
All rows completed
I’m hooked on the freezer paper method, which I’ve never done before. Learning these new techniques open a world to […]
Picking out fabrics as I go
I am using fat quarters left-over from a bundle, and a couple similar fabrics from my stash. I am excited […]
soft fabrics for a comfy quilt
Fabric chosen and so excited for the Sugaridoo QAL. Everyone’s fabrics are so beautiful and it’ll be so fun seeing […]
Fabric pull. The printed fabric will be used as the backing, trying to stick to mostly solids. #BetweentheLinesQAL #Mettlerthread
Between the lines sugaridoo QAL I’m using Tula Pink True Colors with a navy blue background and neon green accents!
Here is my fabric pull for Between the Lines QAL so far! I plan to use solid white for my […]
Fun QAL with Sugaridoo and her new fabric line.
Another QAL with Irene! She is such a fresh face and always positive! It’s going to be fun!
This is the result of six months of fun, challenge and learning with Irene on the Sugaridoo One, two tree […]