With many blocks from the quilt book Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler the number of colors/fabrics is minimal: as it is with Block C1 – Contrary Husband. The picture, layout of original technique and directions can be found on page 26. I am changing this into paper piecing again, but will also use more color.
Originally made with 3 colors – I will use 4 – you can add more colors/fabrics, up to 6 in total. Let me explain:
There are four blue pieces visible with this block, on each side. All made from the same color/fabric, but cut in pieces.
I wanted to make fabrics stand out more. The center is a bright red, and the (originally) 4 blue pieces are changed into 2 grey’s and 2 black’s. You can see the difference with the picture above.
You can always change the appearance of a block, the way you like it can be different from the example in the book.
Changing the technique into paper piecing, working in 3 rows (actually with four parts, because the middle row has two combined Units). The background fabric is a printed white, for more contrast. PAY ATTENTION how to cut the fabrics, when working with paper piecing. Because this is NOT a symmetrical block, the fabrics have to be cut as a mirror image. You will be working on the ‘back’ of a Unit, to get the same result as the original block. It doesn’t matter if you are not aware of this, but remember the block will be a mirror image of the original if you don’t cut the fabrics ‘upside down’.
After sewing the two Units for the center row, the 3 remaining rows are sewn together, as always using dots of Bohin Glue Pen on the seam allowances, without pins.
All seam allowances are pressed flat: this is the back of the block,
and this is the front. Corners are ok, contrasts ok, my block is ready.
I have changed a lot of blocks this way: making them more my own, working with paper piecing or traditional techniques, but adding more color to them all.
Next time more block(s) from SBS. See you then!
Sylvia Kaptein
Sylvia’s Art Quilts Studio
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