Now the end has come. It has been so much fun to be part of this wonderful sailing trip, a trip that helped me de-stress
and put my work away.
In all the time I’ve been sewing patchwork, I have bought fabric with a sea theme, without knowing how to sew a blanket from it, and through the sail along project I got the idea of how I could use some of my lovely fabrics. So thank you for that Ingrid
Now a little about the last part, quilting and edging.
It was difficult to figure out how I wanted to quilt the blanket, but ended up making waves in the water and clouds in the sky.
nu til den sidste del, quiltning og kant. Syndes det var svært af finde ud af hvordan jeg ville quilte tæppet, men endte med at lave bølger i vandet og skyer på himlen.
Det har været sååå sjovt at være med på denne vidunderlige sejl rejse, en rejse som hjalp mig til at få koblet af og ligge mit arbejde fra mig. I alt den tid jeg har syet patchwork har jeg gået og købt stof med hav tema, uden at vide hvordan jeg skulle sy et tæppe af det og igennem sail along projektet fik jeg ideen til hvordan jeg kunne bruge nogle af mine dejlige stoffer. Så tak for det Ingrid
absoltely fantastic!
Wow, you even quilted it already! I love the wavy pattern you chose, it really does look like clouds and waves. Are you planning to keep the quilt or gifting it to someone?
thank you, im planning to keep the quilt and make a part 2, with the theme beach. Think it will look good when the quilts are next to each other.
The bagside