Good day BERNINA lovers!
Last week I spoke about sewing a faux-fur vest based on my Sweet Winter Vest.
I showed you different options, fabric choices and directed you to our sewing with faux-fur fabric tips and how to wear a faux-fur vest articles…
Ideas and tutorials for your next sewing adventure
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Well, I love going forward and reusing patterns, because when you love a pattern it is great to make it again, but you may say… “I don’t want to have the same version different times…” well, you are like me…
The You Made My Day Patterns team wanted to give a different look and try new fabrics with our Sweet Winter Vest and we decided to go with knits, yes, you heard it!
You can easily sew knits with your sewing machine, without the need of an overlocker.
Knit seams usually don’t fray and have a neat cut, so they are perfect. If you have an overlocker, you can always overlock the seams, that will also work out perfectly.
Just use a needle for jersey fabrics and either use the stitch special for knits on your machine (it usually looks like a thunder or a different zig zag stitch 😉 ). If you don’t have the knit stitch you can use the straight stitch that you will lengthen up to 3.
For our new and hacked vest version we decided not to use the lining pieces of the pattern to avoid having a heavy vest that would be uncomfortable to wear.
So in order to have a nice and distinct finishing on the armpit and shoulders we decided to hack our own pattern! And we added sleeve caps that are just eye catching! Don’t you think?
Do you want to know how we hacked our vest pattern? Sure you do!
It may seem super complicated but it is not, and since we didn’t put lining in the vest, the project is sewn pretty quickly!
Here we go with some simple explanations and drawings.
We started sewing our vest as explained on the tutorial that comes along with the pattern.
Then, we traced the sleeve caps as you can see in the image below, sew them 2 by 2 and stitched them on our open armpits.
We finally finished the vest as explained again in the step by step tutorial.
You can follow all the steps on this article here.
What do you think of this version? What other hacks do you think are possible on this pattern?
And for the warmer days that will be soon arriving I think that I would love to sew spring/summer version made out of thick cotton. In this version, I would love to embroider something nice on the back of the vest.
I haven’t yet tried the embroidery with my BERNINA 570 and I am dying to do it! Do you have any nice embroidery designs that would work on that kind of vest? I would love to hear your suggestions and embroidery practices!
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