This is a very quick and easy embroidery project, and it brings a fresh Spring feeling! Your children will like to help you with Easter decorations. It’s really simple to follow the stitched holes in the paper. Embroider a rabbit – a children’s craftwork
Choose for the embroidery hoop ‘Large Oval’.
What you will need to embroider a rabbit:
- Heavy coloured drawing paper
- Newspaper instead of stabilizer
- Sewing thread Mettler Seralon in a contrasting color
- A topstitch needle for your embroidery machine (or a jeans needle).
- Temporary adhesive spray Mettler Web Bond
- An ordinary needle for handsewing to finish the project in handembroidery
Download the file: Rabbit Crystal Works
The file is set up in Design Works. Your machine will make individual holes (not necessarily following the outline order).
So you see it is not meant to embroidery with thread. And your machine will not secure threads.
How does it work?
Hoop the newspaper.
Position the drawing paper in the middle of the hoop. Mettler Web Bond temporary adhesive spray will help. Don’t exaggerate, in the end, you will take off the project from the newspaper and it could feel sticky.
Embroider the rabbit, like you would start any other embroidery file.
This is what you see on the screen (you can see it is mean to use rhinestones, size 2 mm or SS6, when choosing a space of 0,5 mm, I have stitches size 2,5 mm):
When starting, you machine asks you to set for presser foot 48. You can use foot 26 with the topstitch needle or jeans needle.
Every now and than your machine asks you to empty the container. Click the green check to continue.
Take the embroidered paper off the newspaper.
Nice rabbit!
It’s time for the children to start: Take the needle for handsewing and a double thread of Mettler Seralon.
Look at the picture below of how to handembroider it: you can choose for a backstitch (left side) or a running stitch (right side).
Would you like to cut out along the outline? Leave at least a 5 mm space.
I wonder if your children will like to embroider a rabbit – a children’s craftwork for Easter decoration.
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