Creative articles about sewing

The ingredients…

Take two pieces of fabric 12“x 12“ (30cm x 30cm) that form a nice contrast. I suggest you exercise first with one black and one white. This will make things easy for you later on. It is important for the fabrics to be two-sided (dyed throughout), so they can be used on both sides.

Aufteilung der 30 cm2 Fläche

Put both fabrics exactly on top of each other and cut twice at 4 ½“ (12 cm). See photo above!

Zerschneiden der Segmente

Then you cut each segment, as illustrated. Both fabrics still lie exactly on top of each other.

Auseinanderlegen der 2  (30cm) Teile

Then you mirror the white fabric to the right. This is why the fabric must be two-sided.

Austauschen schwarz/weiß Teile

Next, you interchange the segments such that there will be always one black and one white next to each other. That doesn’t look too bad, does it?


If, instead of just two fabrics, you use four (meaning 2 white and 2 black), you have many more possibilities. The cut up first block is not only mirrored vertically, but also horizontally. Note: the cuts are different from the example above, but the principle is exactly the same.


Once you have sewn together the individual segments, you are free to rearrange them differently and, thus, create many new quilt designs.

Please note: Everything has been cut without taking into account a seam allowance .That means the small individual blocks (especially the one with curves) will be distorted and crocked. For this reason please use a seam allowance of 1/4” maximum. When you assemble the top, some segments will not match. You have two options now: either you cut the individual blocks to the smallest size necessary (which would be a pity), or you fill the gaps with fabrics. These filling fabrics could be black or white or even in a contrasting color.


P1050748-002  Made by Monika Fischer a workshop participant.

I recommend making a first sample using paper. Then you will soon realize how the method works. I promise you will have fun!

May the creativity be with you:-)


Post translated by Gariele Schultz-Herzberger

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